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Cycles of Nature - an art exhibition at Søbygaard

30 selected artists from Fyns Grafiske Værksted present the exhibition Cycles of Nature in the beautiful surroundings of Søbygaard.

Experience the exhibition Cycles of Nature at Søbygaard, a collaboration between Fyns Grafiske Værksted and the Søbygaard experience centre.

In the exhibition, a total of 30 artists reflect on the different phases and elements of the natural cycle. In different ways, the works explore the transformation of nature over the years, the individual seasons and the fragile harmony that exists in the interaction between humans and nature.

It is no coincidence that the exhibition is located at Søbygaard. Søbygaard is beautifully located in the South Funen Archipelago, which has been and continues to be influenced by the cycles of nature, which is why the location and setting help to emphasise the expression of the works. Through the graphic works, visitors are invited to reflect on the complex dynamics and cohesion that exists between man and nature.

The exhibition is located in three different rooms at the Søbygaard experience centre and can be experienced during Søbygaard's opening hours.

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Søbygaard © 2024